How to get whiter teeth within minutes

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Quickest Ways To Get Whiter Teeth:

Number 1. Strawberry and Baking soda!
First you need to do is get 2 or 3 crushed strawberries and a teaspoon of baking soda.

Start mixing them both together in a bowl and mix them together until it's turned into a paste like substance kind of like this

Wait about two minutes then apply it to your teeth. Leave it on for around 5-10 minutes then rinse the paste out like normal. Bang, Bang! You should have fresh teeth. (Alright, so strawberries have a high level of vitamin C, The Vitamin C helps destroy Plaque and remove white stains)

Number 2. Banana Peel
Eat the Banana! Once you have finished eating it grab the banana and rub the inside the Banana skin against your teeth for about 5 minutes! You should have whiter teeth after 5 minutes! You should do this at least twice a day for 2 weeks to see amazing results! (Bananas have high potassium in them that make your teeth whiter) 

Number 3. Baking Soda and Lemon!
Eat or bin the Banana! Once you have just the skin grab the banana skin and rub the inside of the Banana against your teeth for about 5 minutes! You should have whiter teeth after 5 minutes! Do this at least twice a day for 2 weeks to see amazing results! (Bananas have high potassium in them that make your teeth whiter) 

For this step all you'll need is 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and baking soda. Put the baking soda into a bowl then squeeze the lemon on top! Leave it in for 2 minutes, then start mixing them both together until you have a seamen like substance (lmao)

Apply the paste on your teeth. Leave it on for your teeth for 3 minutes then rinse your mouth. (This is one of the most popular and common recipe that is used through out homes. I gave it a shot myself and it worked flawlessly).
